For months I been craving for this dish and finally my friend Rose came with me to Asian market in Albuquerque. This is simple dish and it is something you should try making.
1 Pampano Fish1 Tbsp Butter1 Tbsp sesame oil3 Cloves of Garlic1 small onion1/4 cup Ginger2 tomato (diced)1/4 cup Bell PepperSauce:1/8 cup Apple cider Vinegar1/8 Soy Sauce1 tsp. sugar1 Tbsp. FlourFry the fish until golden brown and set aside. In large skillet place butter, garlic, onion,ginger and tomato keep stirring until onion is soften. Add fish then add sesame oil and Bell pepper turn heat into low setting while you make the sauce.
Sauce: In a small bowl add 1 cup of water, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and flour. Mix it well and pour the sauce into the fish and stir until the sauce is thicken. Serve while its warm.