Sauteed Bean Sprouts

I love vegetables and bean sprouts is on the top of our list. During Rick's trip to Japan he tried many of Japanese cuisines and one of them is Sauteed bean sprouts and as Asian life is not complete without trying this taste vegetable. This vegetable also my son's favorite and he eat it by itself. So as my family's favorite food I am please to share this to all of you.

4 cups Bean Sprouts
1 Medium onion
1 Clove garlic
1 Tablespoon. Butter
1 tsp. Roasted Sesame oil
1 tsp Hot Sesame oil
2 tsp. Soy Sauce
1/2 small red Bell Pepper
Green onion as much as you want.
Salt and Pepper to taste

In a large skillet melt the butter and add onion and garlic until lightly brown. Add bean sprout and bell pepper and let it cook for a minute then add both sesame oil and cook it for additional 5 minutes and make sure to stir it once in awhile. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add the green onion and enjoy.